Use Cases

Workflows for Confluence is a powerful app which can be used to enhance your businesses document management processes in Confluence. Organizations are likely to have unique policies and procedures relating to the creation, approval and sharing of documents and its important this process is carried out in the right way.

You will find the most common Workflows for Confluence use cases below. These will give you an idea of the possible situations that this product could support your team or business.

Creating a Custom Approval Workflow

Samuel is a columnist for a local newspaper. He has recently drafted an article to be published in the monthly edition and needs to get it approved by his manager and then his two editorial leads. This is the standard operating procedure for this newspaper company.

Find out how Samuel uses Workflows for Confluence to create a workflow that can be used to get this article approved.

Approvals with E-Signatures

Insolumech, a large engineering company, are currently writing a new technical document for their latest project. The document covers a wide variety of technical fields. Oswald, the project lead, requires approval from each technical specialist in their respective field before publishing the technical document to the wider organisation.

Find out how Oswald uses E-Signatures to get the technical document approved in line with his companies procedures.

Searching through Workflows and their History

Pablo is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at a multi-national company. It’s approaching the end of the financial year and he has received a lot of budget proposals which require his review. He needs a simple and easy way to view the approvals that are waiting for his review so that he can prioritize and action these accordingly.

Find out how Pablo can view the documents awaiting his review with ease

Need support? We’re here to help

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.