Searching through Workflows and their History

Pablo is a Finance Director at a multi-national company. He has received a lot of budget proposals which require his review and needs an easy way to view all the documents waiting for his approval.

By using the search in Workflows for Confluence, Pablo can easily view his pending approvals.

Product Features

Use Case

Pablo could look through his email notifications to find the different documents waiting for his approval but let’s be honest - this is time consuming and tedious. Instead, by using Workflows for Confluence, Pablo can easily find his pending approvals by heading to the Workflows Search page.

Using the filters, he can narrow down his search to find exactly what he’s looking for.

After working through his pending approvals, he wants to check a business proposal document has been reviewed and approved by the Managing Director (MD). Using the Approval Search functionality, he can filter to all the approved documents and find the document. Pablo can quickly see whether the Managing Director has approved the document from here. In this case, the document is still pending review so he sends the MD a message asking for his urgent review.

As illustrated in this example, Pablo is able to action his tasks quickly and efficiently using Workflows for Confluence. It provides a simple but intuitive method of getting approvals on pages and documents stored in your Confluence.

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