
Using our Auto Assign feature you have the ability to map a workflow to your own CQL filter. If you don’t know about CQL take a look at this documentation from Atlassian.

Auto-assign only applies workflows to newly created pages and does not apply to existing pages. To add workflows to existing pages, please use the Bulk Change feature.

How to access Auto-assign

Once you reach the Global/Space settings navigate to the Auto-assign tab.

Follow the steps below to add a new CQL Mapping

  1. Click on the Add Mapping button in the top right

  2. A new mapping will appear:

  3. Insert your CQL query into the text field

  4. Select your desired workflow in the drop down on the right

  5. Once you're ready, click Save and your mappings will now be in effect.

If your CQL is incorrect, you will see an Error message beneath the mapping with the error:

Supported CQL Fields

Workflows for Confluence currently only supports the following CQL fields:










Page id

ancestor = 123456

Applies the chosen workflow to all child pages associated with the parent page, including children of children


User id

creator = "99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e"

Does not support creator.fullname


Name of the label

label = 'my-label'



Page id

parent = 123456

Applies the chosen workflow to direct child pages associated with the parent page


Space key

space.key = ABC

Does not support space, please make sure to use space.key


Page title

title ~ "My Page Title"


If you would like to learn more about these fields, please take a look at Atlassian’s documentation.

Important: The first CQL Mapping that matches the page is the workflow that will be assigned to that page.

Need support? We’re here to help

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.